Echinacea Tincture

from $15.99

Our Echinacea Tinctures are formulated using Echinacea Root with a base of local Whiskey to act as a stabilizer.

Charged in and infused with solar energy this herbal tincture was created to help fight viral infections and to strengthen immune function.

Echinacea is is a powerful herbal ally for helping to prevent/fight bacterial and viral infections. It helps fight the flu, colds, kills bacteria and so much more. This is an herb reached for during acute symptoms. Not recommended for those that have auto-immune illnesses.

• Crystal, Herb & Reiki Infused •

Affirmation To Journey With ∙ I am in tune with my physical vessels needs and desires. i honor that.

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Tinctures, tonics, elixirs and essences are a form of vibrational plant medicine and healing. These are sacred spiritual remedies that use the etheric imprint and vibration of herbs, plants and crystals to help our spiritual, vibrational, physical and emotional bodies.

Directions & Usage:
→ Set your intention for this vibrational medicine.
→ Drop tincture under your tongue and hold for 30-60 seconds then swallow.
→ Take one-two dropper fulls every 2-3 hours at the onset of acute issues.

You can add your tinctures to teas or water.

*Disclaimer - These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product is not intended to replace any medications or therapies.

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