Healing The Womb Space With Herbs: 10 Plant Allies For Womb Health and Sacral Chakra Healing from a Spiritual Herbalist

The womb space and sacral chakra is the seat of life, abundance, creativity, pleasure … and unfortunately for many of us, trauma. The womb space holds immense power and wisdom, yet it is often neglected or mistreated, leaving so many of us feeling disempowered, disconnected and fearful of our desires and essence.

Healing this sacred space is crucial for Black and Brown women specifically, as we are not only carrying our own stories, experiences and trauma but we are also marked by societal, historical and intergenerational hurt, trauma, grief and pain. Whew! As you can imagine (or possibly have been experiencing), that is A LOT!

By prioritizing womb health and restoring harmony to the sacral chakra, we can begin to embark on a transformative journey of healing, reclaiming our vitality, creativity, pleasure and intuitive abilities.

Addressing these areas is not only a means of physical and emotional rejuvenation but also a radical act of self-love, spiritual abundance, and empowering our divine femininity; enabling Black and Brown women to break free from patterns of oppression, reclaim our power and cultivate a sense of sweet liberation and wholeness.

By connecting with nature and leaning on our plant allies (as well as other resources and tools - more blog posts coming soon) we can begin (or deepen) the journey of becoming (re)connected to our womb space.

Whether it’s soothing menstrual cramps, increasing libido, tapping into our pleasure principles, getting creative or more intuitive — here are 10 herbs that offer physical, emotional and spiritual support for womb health and sacral chakra healing:

  1. Red Raspberry Leaf
    There is no way that I could start this list without naming Rubus Idaeus (the latin name for Red Raspberry). I have personally been journeying with this plant for 4 months and it has transformed my life.

    Raspberries are high in several powerful antioxidant compounds, including vitamin C, quercetin, ellagic acid, containing a variety of other nutrients, such as magnesium, manganese, potassium, vitamin K, calcium, and iron.

    Red Raspberry leaf is an herb commonly used during pregnancy, though research has shown that it has powerful healing properties that can benefit us throughout ANY stage of our lives. It can help those going through puberty, dealing with menstrual cramps or excessive bleeding. It can also help to regulate our cycles, tighten and tone the uterus and is helpful for those experiencing endometriosis and so much more.

    Spiritually, Red Raspberry helps us, choose us. As Black and Brown women, we’ve often been taught to give, give, give — even when we have nothing left to give. We go through life often times putting others needs above our own, pouring into the cups of others while ours are left empty and depleted.

    Red Raspberries essence reminds us that we too, deserve to have a cup full and more importantly in overflow. It reminds us to find the capacity to nourish ourselves first. It protects us from over giving and provides a soft landing to more self love.

    Enjoy Red Raspberry as a tea or tincture. Place in sacred space for protection.

    Red Raspberry is included in our Cosmic Womb Tea Blend, Nourish Thy Heart Tincture, Sweet Pussy Powder and Embodiment Tea Blend.

  2. Red Clover
    Red Clover is rich in calcium, vitamin C, beta-carotene, B vitamins, and minerals such as magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, and manganese.

    Spiritually, Red Clover helps us reclaim our power and intuitive abilities, lean into our sensuality (as it is used in spells for lust and magnetism) and protects us from negative energies. Medicinally, it is most known for detoxing the blood.

    Red Clover is often used for fertility, and as a tonic to prepare the uterus for pregnancy. Research shows that is can also help those who are experiencing common menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and mood swings.

    Medicinally enjoy, Red clover in tea blends or fresh herb tinctures. Spiritually, add Red Clover to baths to increase magnetism and get reconnected to sensuality.

  3. Damiana
    Damiana is one of my favorite herbs to use to connect to my divine femininity, increase my allure and connect to my womb.

    Damiana is an aphrodisiac, nervous system regulator and hormone balancer.

    It brings fire, passion, joy and vitality to stagnant and disconnected energies. It also helps us reconnect to our sexual pleasures and desires, especially if our disconnection is a result of sexual trauma. It also aids in promoting relaxation and relief from daily stressors, anxiety and depression.

    It’s energy reminds us that our sexual health is a major part of our wholistic well-being. We can’t move through life disconnected from the energetic center that keeps us in tune with our pleasure, our feelings and our intuitive creativity.

    Damiana can be consumed in various forms and is included in our Sweet Pussy Powder Blend, Hold Ah Medz Tea Blend, Embodiment Tea Blend and Cosmic Womb Tea Blend.

  4. Nettles
    Nettle screams nourishment.

    Nettle is a nutridense ally, rich in minerals and high in iron, magnesium, potassium and silica. Nettle is also rich in chlorophyll, helping to alkalize the body. It is particularly useful to the womb pre and post cycle, for fertility, postpartum and in the case of a miscarriage.

    Spiritually, Nettles helps us put ourselves first. It helps us call back our energy and reclaim our essence and vitality. It’s energy is protective, helping to remove energies not in alignment with our own and similar to Red Raspberry it reminds us that giving from an empty cup serves no one.

    Additionally, Nettle supports kidney health and helps with seasonal allergies.

    Enjoy Nettle in a tea, tincture or powder. You can also steep the herb and create a nourishing and earthy broth. We offer Nettle in our Hold Ah Medz Tea Blend.

  5. Oat Straw/Milky Oats
    Highly nutritive, restorative and revitalizing many organ systems, Oat Straw is a beautiful ally that helps to nourish and regulate the nervous system. Similar to Nettles (and often paired together), Oat Straw is nutridense and rich in calcium, magnesium, silica and Vitamin B.

    One of my herbalist mentors, Empress Karen Rose, refers to Oat Straw as the “support plant” and recommends using it when addressing burnout, grief and trauma.

    It’s a wonderful ally if you’ve been disconnected to your womb space for a long period of time and is helpful if you feel like you need support but don’t have a solid support system.

    Enjoy Oat Straw as a tea, especially when blended with Nettles.

  6. Adaptogenic Mushrooms
    Medicinal mushrooms offer a wide variety of healing properties and are packed with nutrients that uplift various bodily systems.

    Adaptogenic mushrooms are vital for immune strength and protection as well as circulatory and digestive support. Mushrooms such as turkey tail, lion’s mane, shiitake, chaga, cordyceps and reishi are powerhouse allies for overall health and well being.

    Like many of the herbs mentioned today, they are nutridense. They also help to ease anxiety surrounding womb health (specifically when pregnant and giving birth). Adaptogenic mushrooms also help women that have irregular cycles, heavy blood flow, PMS and also helps to increase our vitality.

    Spiritually, one of my favorite adaptogenic mushrooms, Reishi helps us come to an awareness of self and helps us confront our deepest truths. On this path of spiritual herbalism, one of the first things I learned is that true healing requires truth and accountability. Reishi helps us come to terms with our truths so that we can bring harmony to our spiritual and physical bodies.

    Enjoy mushrooms in soups, foods, smoothies, teas and in our uplifting and fortifying Cacao Mushroom Powder Blend.

  7. Maca Root
    Included in our Sweet Pussy Powder, Maca Root, is an energizing adaptogen known for its ability to increase sexual desire in both men and women.

    This ally is one of my FAVORITES for sexual health, womb healing and connecting to the sacral space. It has a high nutrient content which also increases energy and stamina, regulates hormone levels, decreases PMS symptoms, relieves symptoms and feelings of depression and due to its high protein content it can help build muscle.

  8. Shatavari
    Similar to Red Raspberry, in Ayurvedic practices, Shatavari is beneficial for women in all stages of life. It is an adaptogenic super tonic for the womb that is immensely helpful in relieving physical and psychological stress often associated to hormonal imbalances and reproductive disorders.

    It helps regulate menstrual cycles and helps with various womb dis-eases such as PCOS, infertility, endometriosis and more. If you experience vaginal dryness, research has shown that Shatavari is the plant ally to call upon.

    Spiritually, Shatavari is called upon to help heal trauma to the womb (especially in cases of sexual trauma) and get us reconnected to this sacred space. Its essence is uplifting, revitalizing and helps to remind us of our strength and divinity.

  9. Black Cohosh
    Another ally that is beautiful for all stages of womb care and sacral chakra healing. It is often sought after for help with relieving symptoms of menopause, PMS, PCOS and painful menstruation.

    Black Cohosh helps alleviate symptoms of hot flashes, sleep disorders, body pains, irritability, and mood swings.

    Spiritually Black Cohosh, can be used in love and protection rituals. Additionally, it can help to strengthen our confidence and courage — both needed for reclaiming our divine femininity and (re)connecting with our sacred womb space.

  10. Crampbark
    Rounding out this list is Crampbark, an antispasmodic nervine that helps to relieve menstrual cramps and pains.

    Cramp Bark will not stop the symptoms of period pains by altering the body’s chemical pain signaling system. Instead, it helps to treat the cause of the pain by releasing tension in the area that the pain is coming from. It also helps to slow down heavy menstrual bleeding, especially bleeding associated with menopause.

    Spiritually, Crampbarks energy is relaxing and is often reached for as a reminder to slow down and be still. Personally, I work with Crampbark when I am experiencing menstrual cramps and need a some assistance with slowing down, especially if I am preparing to get creative.

Incorporating herbs that support womb health and sacral chakra healing into your daily routine can be a powerful way to honor and nurture your body and spirit. By harnessing the natural wisdom of plants, we can actively and intentionally come back to the seat of creation with ease

xoxo, Sky Britnei
Founder, De La Jipi Apothecary & Botanica
Founder, Brujas Brew Herbal Co.


Crystal Magick for Sacral Chakra Healing and Womb Health